
“Beauty and Pain” at the Merritt Mansion

September 10, 2023

A celebration of heritage, art, and culture

In partnership with Nashville-based curator Clarence Edward, the DuVernay Collective debuts “Beauty and Pain” at cëcret by ce gallery at the Merritt Mansion. The collection features deconstructed emblems from the ceremonial garment work during Mardi Gras. 

As a member of New Orleans’ downtown tribe Monogram Hunters, Charles DuVernay began sewing as a child. On the occasion of Mardi Gras, he, with the help of friends and family, assemble an annual suit committing over 900 hours to individually sewing each bead and sequins. The artistic practice consists of sewing suits as part of the Black Masking Indian culture and upcycling the suit’s beaded patchwork into exquisite tapestries that amplify personal stories of beauty and pain. This artistic practice is one of immense dedication, secret sewing techniques passed on from generation to generation, and a testament to how legacy endures.

”Beauty and Pain” is dedicated to two individuals who passed away recently: DuVernay’s son, who lived for four days, and the unexpected death of his 38-year-old cousin, Big Chief Keelian Boyd. 

The Merritt Mansion is a staple in Wedgewood Houston and shines a light on Nashville’s artistic roots and celebrates the arts culture within the neighborhood.
“Beauty and Pain” opens on Thursday, September 7th and remains on view through Saturday, September 30th as part of Artville.